Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Recipe Resources

It's that time of year again, and I'm so not prepared. I just bought my traditional Tofurky. I don't really know what else I'm going to make yet. I love making a Thanksgiving's a tradition for me. S doesn't really care one way or the other and we usually only have one or two friends over. So of course, I'll have lots of leftovers. But you're supposed to! It's Thanksgiving afterall.

I thought I'd try to put together a list of places online where you can find some good vegan Thanksgiving recipes. Since I'm also still trying to find some good ones, it'll help me out as well. I know at least some of you haven't planned out your meal yet either, right??

Here we go!

Julieanna Hever's Thanksgiving Recipe page on Forks Over Knives (I watched her cook it last night)

VegNews Thanksgiving Recipes and Tips (a good list!)

Some of Christina Pirello's recipes on the Huffington Post.

Oh She Glows Thanksgiving Dinner Party PDF (try her Gingerbread with Spiced Buttercream!)

Some recipe ideas from Yummly

Vegan Thanksgiving recipes from Nava Atlas (I used some of these before)

Thanksgiving tips from Kathy at HealthyHappyLife.

Gentle Thanksgiving page.

If you find any more or have your own Thanksgiving pages, feel free to leave them in the comments section for everyone else to see! Thanks.

Eat smart,


  1. Thank you for the wonderful recipes. Wish you and Scott could join us for Thanksgiving.
